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Join date: Nov 7, 2019


I just love helping groups and individuals to better navigate crisis by upgrading perspective. I help people in hardship, to fall in love with their lives once again, to excel at work, rejuvenate relationships, and revitalise health.

Ever since I was a little kid, I was always keen to look for deeper, more underlying causes. In pursuit of this, I naturally gravitated to trying to understand the inner workings of the mind.

After graduating as an Engineer, I spent a year at a design engineering firm. It instilled in me the rigour of systems, essential for creating resilience. After my MBA, I spent more than a decade, working at two of the country’s premier Investment Banks. The assignments included Business Strategy, Corporate restructuring, performance evaluation, M&As advisory and debt & equity financing. This cross-functional, and cross-industry exposure enables me to assess situations quickly, and implement cost effective, sustainable solutions for clients.

During all my interactions, it became increasingly evident that, underlying all the outside challenges, lie deeper hidden causes. Recognising this, I developed a keen interest in working with people facing acute stress. More than 4,000 hours of such interactions, combined with intensive studies into the wisdom traditions of the past, have revealed deep insights into the workings of the mind. But more interestingly, in the process, I have realised the key roles, played by the body and heart in effective decision making.

And so, now I spend all my time helping teams and individuals navigate crisis by upgrading their perspective. It’s powerful way to connect over things that make us human, vulnerable, imperfect.

I love interacting with others. So, reach out if you want to understand how to leverage a team or personal challenge for transformation, growth and evolution.


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